Although it’s been several months since it was released and it’s been few weeks since I watch it, I want to make a post talking about this great movie.

This year we will celebrate the 50 years anniversary of the first human walking on our Moon. In my opinion, the pinnacle of human exploration and achievement as I already talked about last year. It will come several posts about this during the year so, I am sorry for the ones who are bored about it!

To the point… the movie First Man is the Hollywood biopic of Neil Armstrong focused from the years he was part of the Gemini and Apollo projects until the end of Apollo 11 mission. Since years I was waiting to watch a biopic about Neil Armstrong (since I was a little child in love with the space exploration) and finally it arrived!

The movie is great, very well done and it gets you since the first scene (amazing start inside a X-15 experimental aircraft) until the last one. The movie has fast-faced scenes and recreates perfectly all scenery (reason why it is nominated to 4 Oscar awards, one of them to Best Visual Effects) and it is also very personal. And I think this is the reason why it did not have a massive welcome and great reviews from people.

The director (Damien Chazelle) and writer (Josh Singer), instead of making an Oscar-winner blockbuster epic story, they decided to focus the movie in the person rather than in the myth. I have to admit that I was also waiting for a more epic movie, but I love the way they made it. We all know the feat, the history and the hero of this; but most of the people do not know the man behind. An extraordinary performance of Ryan Gosling in the role of Neil Armstrong, share with us the pain and frustrations of a man watching his little daughter die of cancer and starting a grief, mourning and healing process through his career to become the first man to walk on the Moon.

I think it is an extraordinary movie, one of those that will get more value throughout time, and it does justice to the man who pushes all of us further in our goals.

At least there is something that everyone is agree with this movie (and getting several awards): the soundtrack. It is one of the best I have hear in many years. Justin Hurwitz has done an amazing job here; beautiful themes and great instruments such as the theremin! Awesome.

Money is necessary in any today’s society; no matter if you live in the first, second or third world. The concept of money appeared thousands of years ago as an evolution from the ancient exchange goods: they were unsustainable.

In reality, money give us wellness (or it should). All and all money, more than an object, it is a medium or an asset.

The people, including myself, we have an important dissociation with the money: we love it on one side, and hate it on the other. Anyway money itself it is not bad neither good, however it has some big cancers which I will try to explain three of them:


One of the biggest “cancers” today. Financial institutions create this artificial “money” which is totally inflationist. Any bank in the world could create money from nothing, like magic. And they can do it because there is a legal framework that allows them to create that magic.

Here are two examples how this works:

  • In the USA for each real dollar, banks can credit 10 dollars (1×10). If someone put $100 in the account, the bank could give $1,000 as credit ($900 created from nothing and sell as real money).
  • In Europe, for each real euro, banks can credit 100 euros (1×100). If someone put 100€ in the account, the bank could give 10,000€ as credit (9,900€ created from nothing and sell as real money).

As you can see this leads to big problems; big expenses where easily can happen global crisis like in 2007 (the two frameworks above can influence globally in some way or another).


We live in a hostile environment to access money. Someone has created the environment in a way that it is difficult, complicated to access to this valuable good. We have been locked down in this environment to slave us and make us believe to agree to be enslave and to other things that in other circumstances we would not agree to. If you need a lot of money, or you debt it, most likely you became docile like a rush; a very flexible person capable to accept things unacceptable.

This is the spectrum if you enter in the world of work as an employee. But the environment becomes even more hostile if you decide to create your own business. In this case, your government is the one who will punch you with a bunch of bureaucratic barriers so you could not create your company easily.

In any case, governments and financial institutions will constantly record how you exactly use your money (what I call the CCMoney) like a Big Brother. In multiple cases also, governments have limited the movements of money creating laws against this (i.e. not able to pay more than 1,000€ in cash in some European countries). And there are of course the sway of taxes that are created without clear reasons.


Money is the most fickle thing in the world. A lot of entities and bodies operating around the money will try to take it from you. I will explain with an example:

Imagine you have an amount of money.

  • If you decide not to move the money, your bank will charge you for keeping it (maintenance fees).
  • If you decide to widthraw some money, you bank will charge you for it (if you do it from ATM of different bank or similar).
  • If you decide to spend your money, the government will take part of it (as taxes). But also, if this spend is to buy a house or a car, the government will ask you to pay more taxes (yes, you have to pay taxes after you pay taxes).
  • When you get your monthly salary, the government will take part of it (again taxes).
  • If you decide to donate your money, also you need to pay taxes.
  • When you inherit money, you need to pay taxes for that.
  • If you have a company which generates benefits, part of it will go to the government.
  • If you win a price like lotto, you need to give a big chunk to the government.

I understand that taxes are needed to maintain a country and a social wellness. My point is to show the unjustified abuse of what we need to pay to governments and bank gangs. Don’t get fooled; we are living in a system that is not perfect (no matter what we have been told) and it is not sustainable as we saw in 2007. Too much to change for individuals, but at least if we question the system and to ourselves, there is chance to find the path for a better place.

Always the first step is the hardest; that is for sure.

Long time ago I had the feeling of starting something that I can share with people and share my opinions of what I see and feel around. It might sound frivolous or self-seeking, but who cares… that is one of the principles of this blog: forbidden to be politically correct.

So here we are. I decided to start a blog; not a vlog or YouTube channel. A simple and plain blog where I (and hopefully we) be free to speak up, discuss, share, divulge, opine, judge and try to understand the Word we live on.

I intend to share a bunch of different information and news about technology, science, music, politics, life and more. But all with my own vision and opinion. My only ambition with this blog is to express my point of view and, if you want, have a discussion around it. Everyone is very welcome to comment my posts.

Here comes the tricky part. I will not commit myself to a time schedule for publishing posts. I believe that having a blog is a tool to speak your mind whenever you want and can; and not be forced to do it. Having said that, I believe I will keep the blog reasonably updated; there are too many things to share and discuss in this convulsive world.

Wish me luck and I really hope you will enjoy and participate in this adventure!

“This world’s a treasure, but it’s been telling us to leave for a while now.” – Cooper (Interstellar)