Entries by SumotaY

Man… what a year!

Around this time last year (2019) I made a post doing a personal review of the year. Something I have been doing for many years now. This year in 2020 I want to do the same but… oh boy! what a year this was! 2020 is a year for the history. A year when the […]


Cultura del odio

Un mes ha pasado desde mi último post sobre la tremenda crisis que nos está asolando. En él intenté expresar mi frustración, pesadumbre, enfado y cabreo por las reacciones que estaba viendo a mi alrededor durante las primeras semanas del impacto de la pandemia en Europa. Parece mentira, pero tras este tiempo… me he quedado […]


Ideología por encima de todo

España necesita mascarillas, respiradores y equipos para los sanitarios. Sin duda. Pero por encima de cualquier cosa, España necesita culpar a unos o a otros y crear opinión… opinión de mierda. Lo digo así de duro y vehemente porque eso es lo que veo en España desde el comienzo de esta crisis, y cada día […]


When the World stood still

“I am fearful when I see people substituting fear for reason.” Klaatu – From the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) It is been almost a month since I thought to write about the topic the whole World is talking about. I thought to write about what was going on and how it […]

Las Parcas al acecho de Goya

Extrañamente habitual, he vuelto a revisar los libros de arte antiguos con obras extrañas. Arte de grandes autores de todos los tiempos como el gran Goya. Ya el año pasado me referí a él sobre una de sus obras muy poco populares y que me impactó someramente. Y es que no hay nadie como Goya […]

A year in words

It is that time of the year when some of us think on all the things that happened this year and make our personal review. In my opinion, it is a very healthy and enriching exercise that I strongly recommend everyone to do. I have been doing this for many years now and this year […]

Inner angry Londoner

As an upfront statement, I do not consider myself an angry person or someone who does not like people. Not at all. In fact it is the opposite. I was the other day doing my daily commute to the office and I started to think in all the things that “annoy” me when I am […]


Apollo 11 – The Big Leap

Launch date: July 16, 1969Landing date: July 24, 1969 And the day has come. History is watching. The effort of hundred thousands of people and the dreams of other millions rest on one single mission, on three man. On July 20, 1969, an ancient dream was about to be fulfilled as Commander Neil Armstrong and […]

Ira en estado puro

Muy de vez en cuando, menos de lo que me gustaría, me dejo imbuir por obras pictóricas de grandes autores clásicos. Me fascina que existan genios capaces de plasmar tanto mensaje en una sola imagen. Realmente creo que el arte, especialmente el pictórico, es algo tan innato en muestro ser como especie que independientemente del […]


Apollo 10 – The Dressed Rehearsal

Launch date: May 18, 1969Landing date: May 26, 1969 Apollo 10 was the second crewed mission (after Apollo 8) to orbit the Moon and the first to travel to the Moon with the full Apollo spacecraft: Command and Lunar Modules. The primary objectives of the mission were to demonstrate crew, space vehicle, and mission support […]